Your climate checklists

Climate Articles
04 Jul
3 min read

Want to know more about how you can reduce your own personal carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment? We’ve tried to make it simple for you by producing three separate checklists – for yourself, your workplace and for any events you might be arranging.

By reducing the amount of carbon, we can help slow down the effects of climate change.  Action starts with you - real solutions require action on a global scale but there are choices you can make in your day-to-day life and at work to lessen your impact on the environment.

So, whether it’s for yourself or for your workplace, we’ve pulled together a list of steps you can take to help you become more sustainable and achieve some carbon-cutting goals!

✔️ DOWNLOAD: Your Day to Day Checklist

✔️ DOWNLOAD: Office & Organisational Checklist

✔️ DOWNLOAD: Events & Meetings Checklist

In Welsh

✔️ LAWRLWYTHIAD: Eich Rhestr Wirio O Ddydd I Ddydd

✔️ LAWRLWYTHIAD: Rhestr Wirio Digwyddiadau A Chyfarfodydd

✔️ LAWRLWYTHIAD: Rhestr Wirio Y Swyddfa A’r Sefydliad

The more people we can inspire, the more successful we will be. Whether it’s remembering to turn the lights off at home or making the decision to sell your car, we can all try to lessen our impact on the climate and biodiversity by sharing these checklists and by sharing your climate action goals with your friends, family and colleagues. Find out more about the BMC's The Climate Project here.

Be climate aware - start small, think big

We are no longer arguing whether this is a climate crisis or not; the facts speak for themselves.

Last year the IPCC's 6th Assessment Report featured a chapter on the impact of climate change in high mountain areas, which painted a bleak picture of the places we know and love. Tourism and recreational activities such as skiing and mountaineering have been negatively impacted by declining snow cover, glaciers and permafrost. This decline has also altered the frequency, magnitude and location of natural hazards with more people being exposed to its impacts.

For example, since 2000, warming has doubled in the Himalayas alone, leading to the loss of eight billion tonnes of ice per year whilst closer to home, research shows that snowfall has decreased by 3cm on average per winter in the Cairngorms since the 1980s.

These changes are projected to continue in almost all regions throughout the 21st century. The now unavoidable climate change effect on our mountains, points to the need for integrated planning, widespread Government action and international cooperation.

However, whilst we can’t stop global warming overnight, we can slow the rate and limit the amount of global warming. Small actions really can make a big impact.

WATCH: The Climate Project - Help fight climate change on our moorlands

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